Soft lockdown lifted at Glenbrook South HS after fake school threat

GLENVIEW, Ill. — Police in Northbrook responded to Glenbrook South High School after receiving a 'swatting call,' though the threat was deemed fals...

May 14, 2023
2:00 AM

GLENVIEW, Ill. — Police in Northbrook responded to Glenbrook South High School after receiving a 'swatting call,' though the threat was deemed false. The school has since resumed its normal activities. Glenbrook High Schools District 225 announced on social media Monday that the school was under a suspended schedule. The soft lockdown was lifted after the ‘all clear' was given by Northbrook police. Last month, several Illinois counties were targeted with swatting calls, with Illinois State Police investigating nearly two dozen in one day alone.

Alonzo Small